a and B
cause a and B would replace that
Penguins are flightless birds, but they are expert swimmers. Strong breast muscles allow penguins to flap their wings and "fly" through water to catch fish and shrimps. A penguin's webbed feet are good for underwater steering because its legs are set far back on its body.
Tuskegee establishes a night-school in 1884 to accommodate students who cannot afford to attend the institution. Tuskegee models its night-school after the night-school at Hampton Institute, requiring students to work for ten hours during the day at a trade or industry and to study for two hours in the evening. Only students who cannot afford the board of day-school can attend. The Treasury keeps all but a little of the students’ wages, so that when students eventually transfer to the day-school they have means to pay their tuition. This process usually takes two years. The difficulty of the night-school is the most severe test of a student’s dedication and commitment due to the long hours and level of discipline the program requires. Washington observes that many of Tuskegee’s most successful students began their study at the night-school.
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Romanticism in America was a movement that arose slowly, developed in many ways. It went through many phases and it was practiced by many writers that when we give a simple definition we tend to be "slippery". It started approximately in 1820 and lasted until about 1865 with the end of the civil war and the beginning of realism. The romanticism arose as new settlers were confronted with the new realities of a new life in a land that was vast and completely different. The ideas that marked romantism were humanitarianism, democracy, equality, abolition, utopian ideals, the noble savage
, dignity of common man
, primitivism
, the nature of good or evil, conflict between spirit and body
, mysticism, pantheism, transcendentalism
, gothicism
, abnormal psychology, exotic settings--time and place, nature as symbol of Divine
, faith vs, doubt
, organic unity, individual soul as as part of the greater soul of God
, great chain of being
, Individualism
. There were many sub categories and many genres but in a nutshell I would say that two writers are very representative of this period Edgar Allan Poe who wrote mainly about fiction. His narrations and poetry were so vivid and terrifying as you can see in this quote of the the raven: " And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting on the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming, And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted—nevermore!
Another great writer of this period was Harriet Beecher Stowe who wrote the fiction novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. The importance of this novel is related to the feelings that generated in all the corners of the new nation. When uncles' Tom is described as a good, steady, sensible, pious fellow, I am pretty sure there were many self made men in America that identified with him.
<span>Many years ago, she _bought____ a coin that became worth a lot of money. What is the past perfect tense of the verb “buy”?</span>