Hello there.
<span>The passage below was written by John Locke in his Second Treatise of Government. Writings like this greatly influenced the creators of the Declaration of Independence.
Quotation by John Locke in a text box, which reads, The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and...to have only the __________ for his rule.
Based on what you know of the Declaration of Independence, which phrase completes the quotation?
Answer: </span><span>law of nature
Over 50,000 women across the country marched for peace and against above ground testing of nuclear weapons. By the mid 1960s the focus of the organization shifted to working against the Vietnam war.
A Third
Please tell me if this is right!
The reliance on foreign loans following the Dawes Plan led to a severe economic depression following the Wall Street Crash. This ultimately led to further political instability, and eventually, contributed to the end of democratic government.