Coup of 18–19 Brumaire, (November 9–10, 1799), coup d'état that overthrew the system of government under the Directory in France and substituted the Consulate, making way for the despotism of Napoleon Bonaparte. The event is often viewed as the effective end of the French Revolution.
Answer: slave labor formed the America colonial economy
an act, process, or instance of beginning
Stephen Douglas hoped when pushing the Kansas-Nebraska act that
the everything would be settled democratically, without violence by the settler
that would be impartial but unfortunately this was at the same time the fatal
flaw of the act. People misunderstood the act which led to anger by the
southerners and the subsequent retaliation by the northerners as well as the
creation of two governments in Kansas one that was elected on fraud and other
that was not legal.
Northern who came to the south during reconstruction were known as carpet baggers, because they came to the south to become rich and take all their money back north.