Yes ,The south/southwest United States is where most dust storms occur, including Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Utah, Oklahoma and Colorado.
The United States is a common law system, which means law is built on cases that came before it. So a Justice, and any Judge/lawyer, looks to precedent when deciding how to proceed in a case.
Answer: La Primera Guerra Mundial dejó como consecuencia una gran devastación demográfica y social, así como, una fuerte crisis económica. Desaparecieron cuatro imperios que fueron el alemán, el ruso, el austrohúngaro y el otomano, y se formaron nuevos países, lo que modificó la demografía de Europa central.
Pope Gregory VII was critical in promoting and regulating the concept of modern university as his 1079 Papal Decree ordered the regulated establishment of cathedral schools that transformed themselves into the first European universities.
D. A city can afford to make repairs on only one of its schools
In option A, the city can afford to function with reduced taxes just to encourage business which means it has enough resources to buttress that.
In option B, the city can afford to borrow a large sum of money which it is sure it will be able to pay off. There is no scarcity in building the banks.
Option C shows that the city has enough reserved resource with which to assist its citizens.
D is the only option that shows actual scarcity or limited resources in the city.