Faster growing trees demand for wood can be met by trees that grow faster than average. Genetic engineering has produced trees t
hat can ward off biological attacks, grow more quickly and strongly and creat better wood than trees that are not genetically modified. Do you think this is a good thing? Why or why not?
Well, on one hand, this is a good thing as negative effects of the high demand for wood such as deforestation can be minimised. This will also sustain the supply of wood for several applications. However, there could be negative consequences of propagating such genetically-modified trees, which were not stated or are not yet known. For instance, the trees could be extreme soil nutrient consumers—depleting soil nutrients at a faster rate than they can be replenished and rendering such soil infertile in a short period.
Answer: 0 All of the boxes have a big R in them which means the that gene is present. (I can’t remember exact terminology, so this is kinda a simplified explanation, hope it helped)