The Oakland School Board declared that ebonic is a language
First, we need to know what is Ebonics, the true language of black folks, it represents how the West African, Caribbean and Unites States combines the formal rules of African language.
So, in 1996 in the Oakland School a controversy happened called “Oakland Ebonics” because California passed a resolution concerning the ebonic linguistic. The Oakland School Board declared that ebonic is a language so they could have more status.
The new resolution says Ebonic is a primary language for many African-American students. However, students will study standard English. But they wanted to train teachers to recognize ebonics.
The Pacific railroad was constructed between 1863 and 1869.
The power of conviction that television exerts on voters during an election campaign can become decisive in the triumph or defeat of a particular party or candidate, since for a very large number of citizens it is the only source of information. This mass media supports electoral campaigns, through informative programs and free advertising spaces for political parties.
1. totally committed to slavery South
2. large part of factory labor force in the North women and children
3. started in England Industrial Revolution
4. allowed people to travel to the Northwest National Road
5. the father of mass production Eli Whitney
6. increased the amount of cotton produced cotton gin
7. same as a toll road turnpike
8. long roads corduroy
9. would provide continuous waterways canals
10. carried canal boats over mountains Portage Railroad
11. used to raise and lower canal boats locks
12. declares a law null and void Doctrine of Nullification
13. supported Jackson Democratic-Republicans