In 1865 and 1866 southern states pass "Black Codes" which were laws to restrict the freedom of Blacks in the region. In the north these codes were viewed as a way to get around the 13th amendment and to allow slavery to exist under a different name. The defining feature of the post-Civil war Black Codes were vagrancy laws which allowed for the newly freed Black population to be arrested and sentenced to hard labor. In 1866 the Radical Republican congress reacted by placing the south under military rule as part of their program of Reconstruction and to pass various laws such as the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the 14th Amendment. Military reconstruction would last until 1877.
<em>please</em><em> </em><em>comment</em><em> me</em>
Peter Stuyvesant is the governor who refused to surrender to England
As soon as Israel had sovereignty in 1948 weaponized problems started
The last one because he conquered the Persians empire.
Hope this helps :)))
b. A reliable food production and distribution system
The Tang and Song Empires were successful at creating increased food production. Irrigation systems were responsible for more growing areas and particularly helped produced more rice. The empires also manipulated the landscape to create more land to farm. Terrace systems within the land also increased the amount of land that could be farmed at any one time. Cotton, tea, and rice became the most produced crops making money for the empires.