The first one: c. He gave his own goats just sufficient food to keep them alive, but fed the strangers more abundantly in the hope of enticing them to stay with him and of making them his own.
The second one: d. “As he had a compassionate heart he pulled out his needle and thread, and sewed her together.” and e. “…but as the tailor used black thread, all beans since then have a black seam.”
Sergei uses his first two wishes to wish for 1) to cure the growing cancer in his sister's lungs and 2) to cure 'Sveta's boy' (his own son) who has an ailment which the doctors think will not allow him to mentally develop beyond his age of three years. We can infer from these wishes that Sergei is a kind-hearted, humble individual who is later hardened in life by his surrounding situations, i.e. living in Russia, as the son of a Zionist etc. We know that of the three wishes that Sergei could ever be granted by the magic goldfish, he uses the first two to help those around him, with little regard for his own self or his personal aspirations.
When students learn integrity in classroom settings, it helps them apply similar principles to other aspects of their lives. Most K-12 educators recognize that the students they teach today will become the leaders of tomorrow. Academic curriculum is constantly updated to meet the increasing demands of a changing knowledge society.
It is b because she gets in too much problems quick