<h2>D.Two staves together</h2>
The Grand Staff is used for piano music and has two staves of five lines that are connected on the left with a brace. The bar lines are drawn through both staves and the space in between them. The top staff uses a treble clef, or G clef, and the bottom staff uses the bass clef, or F clef.
who does not love art everyone loves art I like everything and you?
Yes. When there is one B flat for one note in the whole measure, it means it's the same note until you get a different note in another measure
David Hockney!! He creates portraits and landscapes mostly on ipads
To challenge assumptions about identity based on appearances.
"Melissa & Lake, Durham, North Carolina" is part of a photography series called "Domestic." Catherine Opie was trying to portray gender fluidity by showing non-straight people and couples doing mere activities and without overpowering her photographs with distractors, making them as simple as possible as to challenge the public to see these people without labels and help them understand that identity is not based on appearances.