You have asked quite an ordinary question, specifically related to the definition as well
as perhaps the usage of a certain 9-letter word in the English language, being the
official language of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and several
other of the Earth's sovereign nations, and in addition, the lingua franca de facto
across most of the length and breadth of the totality of our entire planet. In response
to your question, a working definition of the word concerning which you have inquired
may easily be formulated by any reasonably well read or well educated English
speaker, provided that he is an individual who happens to frequent the website known
as <> and chances to encounter your question before such time as two
responses have already been posted by others. In conclusion, we can summarize
briefly the content of any correct response to the question, as follows: The term
'verbosity' ... a noun comprised of four syllables ... is the practice in speech or writing
of using an excess of words. Put in other words, it is the the use of a great and
usually an excessive number of words, or the habit of being wordy.
The Kings in Athens did what they wanted while the Pharoahs had the other gods higher than them.
Hopkin's use of "seared," "bleared," and "smeared" is an example of C) assonance.
It's not a metaphor or simile because you aren't comparing anything.
Alliteration means repetition of the same consonant in the beginning of the word, and since there are no same consonants, this isn't correct.
The cunning fox asked the crow how pretty he was. He said the crow was so beautiful and must have a nice voice, then asked if the crow won't cheer him up with a song
Direct speech is the type of speech where the words of the speaker is quoted verbatim.
However, indirect speech is the type of speech where the words of a speaker are conveyed without directly quoting them.
The use of personification is present in this sentence= My shoes crunched on the gravel and I hear crickets laughing, and humans laugh, crickets don’t and there is the usage of personification, hope this helps