The correct answer is 3
Explanation: Jury consists of judgment by people in society itself. That is, it will not be a publicly-trained judge who will judge the accused, but members of the community in which he lives.
The war in Asia before WW II began because of the ambition of Japan. Japan wanted to rise and hold power in Asia during the 1930s. The economic crises in the 1930s and the need for the natural resources for the industries began Japan to look for territorial expansion. In 1931, Japanese soldiers seized Manchuria. Manchuria situated in the area of Northeastern China was rich in natural resources what Japan needed. Japan continued to hold it as a colony of Japan for the next several years.
Six months certificate of deposit
The interest rates of certificate of deposit are locked rates because they provide a clear and predictable return on any deposit over a specific period and the financial institution cannot later change the interest rate to reduce earnings.
Yes. History does repeat itself.
1. a.your preferred method of listening
2. true
3. c.action-oriented
4. you be an effective listener
5. d.content-oriented