The re-entry policy is proving to be problematic in that it is a policy and not law and it is not binding. Some school girls fail to come back to school, falling pregnant because they are disowned by their families. They therefore lack financial support.
vividly realistic description
i retook the test 8 times guessing trust me its right.
Dear john,
its been a while since we haven't met.I hope you and your family are doing well.I miss you alot and i wish to see you soon.Im writing this letter to tell you where i went last Sunday cause we'd always go somewhere every sunday when you were here so, i thought I'd share with you where i went.
I went to fun park where i played different kinds of games. I experienced what its like to get on a roller coaster. I swear to god im not gonna have its ride again. The fun park was located nearby my city. I wasn't alone.My cousin and i went together by my dads new car.I saw some amazing rides and we also ate some delectable food. It was a very nice experience.
I wont forget that day ever. I balled alot and i wish you were there , it would be cheery on top.i guess i have to end my writing here. I hope you got the clarity of this letter .
your friend,
Context clues are words that are used to help understand and define certain difficult words used in an article or story. Types of context clues include: Explanation, Restatement, Personal Experience, and Derivation or Inference.