I would give this a 9.999999! You are a very talented drawer! I could not draw like that to save my life! It's AMAZING! The only thing I would say is that the lips are a little big. Other than that, rock on! It looks GREAT!
1. Kinetic 2. combine (?) 3. sculpture 4. houses 5. performance art
Explanation: Kinetic meaning you use your hands and eyes to experience the artwork. Combine is an artwork made by using several different mediums to create one artwork such as painting, sculpture, found objects ets. Shelter = houses Performance Art = art that is presented live. There could be traditional art on the "stage" but it is meant to be experienced in real time, live, never to be experienced again.
1.) 2
2.) 2
3.) 12
4.) 6
5.) 10
6.) 10
C. Thomas Eakins
This painting is called “The gross clinic”