Different regions are more influenced by different religions based on where they are in the world. Climate, agriculuture and many other factors also can change how regions are culturally different due to religion. Some places are more religion dependent while others are not. I live in one of the biggest cities in the united states and if you don't want religious influence, you by no means have to have it. But meanwhile my grandma lives in a town that only about 1,000 people live and religion is everything to them.
1.Ok fast food is popular because its cheap and it does not cost as much as a fancy restaurant. And it's not like it has a bad taste to it it taste good but however the cheaper it is the cheaper it taste.
2.The availability of food high in fat, salt and sugar through Fast Food (FF) or takeaway outlets, is implicated in the causal pathway for the obesity epidemic. This review aims to summarise this body of research and highlight areas for future work. Thirty three studies were found that had assessed the geography of these outlets. Fourteen studies showed a positive association between availability of FF outlets and increasing deprivation. Another 13 studies also included overweight or obesity data and showed conflicting results between obesity/overweight and FF outlet availability. There is some evidence that FF availability is associated with lower fruit and vegetable intake. There is potential for land use policies to have an influence on the location of new FF outlets. Further research should incorporate good quality data on FF consumption, weight and physical activity.
About an year.
If we could collect all of the energy of the sun that came to earth in one hour , the energy is enough for all of humanity's energy needs for one year. The humans used about 575 quadrillion Btu whereas each hour 430 quintillion Joules of energy is received from the sun by the Earth which is a huge quantity so by seeing the data we can conclude that about one hour of sun's energy is enough for about about one year for the whole world.