The children are being generous. They basically put a lot of effort into getting a present for Helen. And look! At the very beginning of the excerpt we can see that they are “delighted”; they are happy to be giving this present to Hellen!
Dear mr. Ellis,
I am writing this letter to inform you of my absence in the next three days of school. I am deeply sorry because I realize how important these days would have been for group work in the classroom. I do not deny that I feel guilty for the work I will entrust to my friends. To avoid this matter I can repeat alone my part of the project as soon as I get back to class. I hope you will answer my email soon.
Bobby (idk put your name )
Not sure if this is what you need.... is the teaching of the Catholic Church that in the Eucharist the appearance is quite unchanged, but the basic reality has become the body and blood of Christ.
The change from bread and wine to a presence of Christ that is true, real, and substantial is called transubstantiation.
hello I'm doing great how about you