Kinetic energy means to move and potentia l is to stay still.
The question is asking which one goes from moving to being still.
Since the boy was climbing up the slide, that was kinetic energy. Then he sat down, which is potential energy.
Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and the Artic Ocean
- You can use a real globe
- You can look at a real map
- You can look at the back of the textbook ( If provided )
- ask others
I would have to say D) Religious repression.
A referência mais antiga ao sistema de castas está num hino do RigVeda sobre o sacrifício do deus Purusha, de cujo corpo teriam se originado as castas nas quais ainda se divide a sociedade indiana. De sua boca, nasceram os brahmins. De seus braços, vieram os kshatriyas. De suas pernas, surgiram os vaishyas.
That each state will have legislative structure and representatives in the U.S