im just new too writing but
try to not things sound kiddish or forced sry
Metaphor Knowledge is a kingdom and all who learn are kings and queens.
Answer:3: If you go to the party I will come with you.
4: She will not be very happy if she did not get that new job.
5: If you come with us you will have a great time.
6: I will not wait for you if you are late.
7: That glass will break if you drop it.
8: We will help you if we find the time.
9: I will tell Claire the news if I see her.
10: We will sleep in the tent if it doesn’t rain
In the first day of school nothing happen i was in and did work then went home and zoomed to bed to take a NAP
like you lose your bond with some friends due to like transport or shifting reasons and day after day you lose interest in them because of not talking or meeting daily.......then one day they just become memories nothing else....this is meant by friendship doesn't last long.....i had a only friend named Himanshu......i wasn't able to contact him due to some reasons i think i lost him.....
listen..if you find any user named GodFather ...then pls tell me