I believe that Penelope devised the contest with the bow and arrows in order to buy both herself and Odysseus more time. He was gone for a long time, but she kept believing he would return to her and they would be happy again. However, he was gone for more than 10 years, and many suitors now came to Ithaca in order to marry Penelope and rule there. She obviously didn't want that, so she created this contest knowing that nobody could win it besides Odysseus who is the best archer ever. What it reveals about her is her absolute faithfulness and devotion to her husband whom she hasn't seen in over a decade.
The most interesting moment was when I was born, it is mesmerizing. Though I cannot remember most parts since it was many many years ago, but I remember seeing a light and waking up. It felt like I was in heaven. I was confused at what was happening since I was a baby. I started crying not because I was scared but because I was happy to be born and out. They held me in their arms rocking me back and forth while I was intoxicated. The woman who held me was a pretty nurse trying to stop me from crying. I didn’t understand what was going on and only understood the part that this is my new home.
I hope this is good I tried ♀️
In dramatic structure, I think dialogue is used to appeal to the reader by making he/she feel like they are actually there and to just bring it to life. Hope that helps.
D seems to be the most clear, and the most interesting out of the 4 you were given.