The Greatest Showman is a musical about P T Barnum and how he created a circus. The characters played their roles beautifully, specifically Zendaya and Keala Settle. The way that the songs were interlaced with the characters movements and actions was spot on and perfectly in sync. One weak point would be when Rebecca Ferguson is lip singing Never enough on stage, and she doesn't pull it off smoothly. The overall message that you are perfect just the way you are is portrayed beautifully throughout the entire movie.
How does The Tattooist of Auschwitz change your perceptions about the Holocaust in particular, and war in general?
<em>The Tattooist of Auschwitz</em> provides an insight into the extreme cruelty of the Holocaust. It sheds new light on the horrific story of Nazi concentration camps. However, it also teaches us that people can be kind to one another even in such horrible circumstances. The book also inspires us never to lose hope for a better life and true love.
What implications does this book hold for our own time?
Some of the most important lessons from the book that we could all apply in our lives are about true love, hope and sacrifice. From the moment Lali arrived at Aushwitz, he kept telling himself his life was too good for him to die in such a place, and he never gave up. We should certainly admire Gita and him for their perseverance, and remember that everything is possible if we have faith.
D. ---. First Time's a Charm. Houston: La Prensa Texas, 1995. Print.
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sonnett43 by Elizabeth barett