Because there are six possible out comes the denominator of our fraction would be 6. So on a dice we have to find how many numbers are 1, or less than two. Because the only number less than two is 1, our numerator will be 1. This will make our fraction 1/6.
The answer is Hot and Humid
Urbanization is the process in which the human population is increasingly more urban, that is, settled in the urban areas -in cities and in the suburbs. So urbanisation is the process of people moving to cities and to suburbs - the correct answer is:
A. a process in which an increasing number of people move to cities and suburbs
A. Northern - it is nearer the equator than the other parts of Australia, so the temperatures would be hotter, and almost the same with tropical countries. Darwin, for example, experiences monsoon rains and storms, and high humidity, which is much different from other Australian places.
The answer is true. Tourism produced an estimated 14 percent of the region’s Gross Domestic Product in 2013, but, the ships that bring in the tourists dump waste into the ocean