Good morning to all:
As you know, I am going on a trip today in the morning and I will be back in a week. Everyone
during my absence (1)
(fulfill) your responsibilities, no
_ (take care) a lot
(two) -
- (waste) time, jah! and (3) -
Rex, my dog.
Liliana. (4)
- (remember) clean the balcony and garage every day.
Juanita, (5)
(take out) the garbage on time and not (6)
(put) the new curtains still. Stephen, (7) -
_ (wash the car
on Saturday, (8)
(check) the oil and (9) -
__ (fill the
tank. Gonzalo, no (10)
- (be) late like last time.
While I'm not there, (11) -
(close you) the windows and
- (remove, you) dust from all furniture. To my comeback
everything is in order