the answer you are looking for is
enry of Navarre
Huguenot prince who became the first king of the Bourbon Dynasty in France during the 1500's. He became Catholic and came up with the Edict of Nantes. He restored the French monarchy.
Edict of Nantes
was a declaration made in the 26th century in which Henry IV promised that Protestants could live in peace in France and could set up houses of worship in some French cities
Louis XIII
was a king of France and son of Henry IV during the 1600's. He was a weak ruler, but appointed a strong minister
Cardinal Richelieu
was a ruler of France during the 17th century who increased the power of the Bourbon monarchy
philosophy founded in the 1600's based on the idea that nothing can be known for certain. skeptics thought that doubting old ideas was the first step toward finding the truth
What two authors
-developed a new form of literature (essay) and believed that humans could never have absolute knowledge of what is true
-one can never be certain of anything tested through observations....influence scientific method
Montaigne and Descartes
Louis XIV
most powerful ruler in French history who ruled in the 1600's.
Cardinal Mazarin
ends 30 yrs war
Nobles hate Mazarin
because he increased taxes and strengthened the central government
was a French government official appointed by the monarch to collect taxes and administer justice during the 1600's
Jean Baptiste Colbert
was Louis's minister of finance- believed of the theory of mercantilism and caused France's economic progress in the 1600's. Gave government funds and tax benefits to French companies to expand manufacturing and placed high tariff on goods from other countries.
The War of Spanish Succession
was a conflict during the early 1700's, in which a number of European states fought to prevent the Bourbon family from controlling Spain as well as France.
Treaty of Utrecht
declares that Louis's grandson (Philip of Anjou) was allowed to remain king of Spain so long as the thrones of France and Spain were not united.
another name for French protestants
League of Augsburg
original name......alliance with Austria, Sweden, and Spain
The Grand Alliance
new name......alliance with Austria, Sweden, Spain, and England