modern history began in the 16th century, and we are in the 21st
so that is about 5,000 years
Short Answer: Uplift and Erosion activities
Let's understand this briefly,
Name/Type - Grand Canyon (deep gorge)
Location - Northern Arizona (USA)
Formation - About 6 millions years ago
How - When the river (Colorado) started to cut channels through layers of sedimentary rocks
Formation Process - Weathering and Erosion
Forces which acted - Wind, Precipitation, Streams and snowmelt
Depth - 1830 m
According to question,
It is formed due to tectonic uplift in the region and due to vast erosion activities affected by enormous number of factors.
He claimed that they were one large supercontinent called Pangaea. His evidence for his claim was that the general shapes of the separate continents and how they can fit together if you arrange them. He noticed patterns in the mountain ranges; when all the continents are together the ranges line up with one another.
Wearing a mask and social distancing, there is nothing else I could fins and he says "even people vaccinated will wear a mask".
He explains that since they track people it is easier to stop the spread
The correct answer is - Mongolia.
Out of the suggested countries, Mongolia is the one that has by far the greatest longitudinal extent. Mongolia is a country in East Asia, located between the two giants, Russia on the north, and China on the south. The country has a relatively large longitudinal extent, while the latitudinal extent is smaller. It is the 19th largest country in the world.
The geography of Mongolia differs from place to place, with large ares being arid and semi arid plateaus, low grassland plains, high mountains, and dense taiga forest in its north.