People everywhere make mistakes and it is no big deal. However, when you yourself make the mistake the consequences can be pretty harsh. One moment that I really regret is the time I broke into an abandoned house. I broke in with a group of friends because we wanted a little adventure. In our brains the house was abandoned and it was too early in the morning for people to be awake and see us. We snuck out of the house, walked four blocks, and tried getting into the house with a lock pick. I regret this moment because someone was awake and that someone called the cops. That is where the consequences began. We had to walk across town at four in the morning to get away from the cops, we came home and our father was already awake, and we never did get into that house. We were all grounded... For months.
*True story! I hope this works!
To contract means to become smaller. Contraction = to become smaller.
Come when i call you and Run around the track.
The other two show a statement not a command.
Each of them looks a lot like certain traits of a father and one is his real father while the other is his spiritual father. This double meaning adds a little confusion but also help you to see how the character feels about the two. Kevin's earthly father may not be living the standards that his Heavenly Father has put forth. He should feel protected in the teachings of this bible, and if his priest is following those teachings, and if Kevin is following those teachings, then Kevin is pleasing his Heavenly Father.