Fair is foul, and foul is fair.
It contains contradictory terms that appear in conjunction
All you need to do is find two things that you think are similar, such as “knives are similar to scissors because they both cut things” and you also need to name WHY the two things are similar.
Then you say something like “the chicken was an egg, because it grew up”
Then you say an interesting fact. Such as “did you know that elephant respond to humans just the same as humans respond to puppies? They think we are cute!”
And a famous saying is “ do or do not, there is no try.”
And “it is said that if you put all your eggs in one basket, it may break.”
Answer: I honestly think these are idioms
Identity is synonymous with self-image. A person's identity is formed throughout life because it consists of many different characteristics. Both those we choose and those we can not influence. According to a constructivist view of identity, identity is created continuously in interaction with its surroundings. An extreme constructivist view that sees everything as socially constructed and does not allow for individual choices and expressions, is usually called deterministic.
This individual identity can be transferred to larger groups, becoming a social identity that encompasses a group of individuals with common historical, cultural and traditional characteristics.