D- They serve only to glamorize what is really a destitute life
Trick and Deceive are the best ones. To evade means to dodge or avoid.
Dear (Interview People),
I am full of happiness because of this interview. It has given me a chance to prove myself that I am worthy of doing anything. Once again, with gratitude, I am glad this interview has come to what its become. Last but not least, I hope to see you once again.
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Because both tense and mood have to do with verbs, the confused terminology is understandable. ... Tense, however, refers to time, whereas mood refers to manner of expression. Tense. The three possible divisions of time are past, present, and future.
Answer: "am" is never a "preposition". Rather, "am" is a "first-person, present tense, singular" conjugated form of the verb, "to be" (in English); that takes the subject pronoun, "I".
"am" is a "verb"— and never a preposition.