He claimed that they were one large supercontinent called Pangaea. His evidence for his claim was that the general shapes of the separate continents and how they can fit together if you arrange them. He noticed patterns in the mountain ranges; when all the continents are together the ranges line up with one another.
Yes, organic material in soil is more productive.
Carbon dioxide raises global temperature by trapping heat that would otherwise escape directly into space. Also, warming temperatures in the Arctic may release even more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases such as methane, by melting frozen soil called permafrost. For example, melting glaciers and icebergs in the poles claim increasing heat.
O Today scientists are devising ways to use advancements in positive ways for the environment.
The emphasis on agricultural technology today compares to recent past in such a way that today, scientists are devising ways to use advancements in positive ways for the environment.
- Today, there is a strong emphasis on the environment when discussing issues of agricultural technology.
- Not only is the aim to improve output and productivity, priority is also given to the environment.