The marchers were made aware that they did not have a permit to march for their cause.
The conflict is heightened when the marchers are stopped by the chief of police and Bull Connor.
Although they were faced with jail time, the marchers were prepared to act nonviolently.
Hearing the cueing signals, marchers filled out into the streets by the hundreds.
this sentence should be removed:
The marchers were made aware that they did not have a permit to march for their cause.
Something this complicated and intricate is hard to find the message of, but, the first paragraph is saying that we need to stop the idea of women needing to be free of any small problems, and i think the second one means that the large egos of some men are due so because the societal standard and idea of what a manly man should be requires them to act this way to be seen as a man.
Note: My translation is not guaranteed to be correct. This is just the best I can do.
This is a theme because it is a concept NOT the story line. A plot summary is basically the story line as if you were writing a summary of the book or story.