When a state could constitutionally limit someone's free speech rights under the First Amendment.
The name of the Fascist Party that ruled Germany was the Nazis.
A climate zone results from the climate conditions of an area: its temperature, humidity, amount and type of precipitation, and the season. A climate zone is reflected in a region's natural vegetation.
Hope it helps....
Answer: between 0.88 and 0.916
Explanation: parameters given are:
n = 1068
CI = 95 % = 1.96
p = 959
Let us Divide p by n.
959 \ 1068 = 0.898
0.898 -\+ 1.96 (√0.898 (1 - 0.898) \ 1068)
Find standard error
√0.898 (1 - 0.898) \ 1068 = 0.009
Also let us Find Margin of error.
(1.96)(0.009) = 0.018
Then calculate confidence interval.
0.898 -\+ 0.018 = 0.880 to 0.916
The 95% confidence, that the proportion of times NFL teams punt on a fourth down when they shouldn't be punting is between 0.880 and 0.916
The bystander effect is a phenomenon in social psychology where people stand by during a situation where someone else is at risk. They do not intervene.