So he followed the suggestion of a seer in Kaua'i and built a massive new heiau for devotion and sacrifices to Kamehameha's war deity Ku at Pu'ukohola in Kawaihae. Kamehameha planned to receive spiritual strength as a result, allowing him to conquer the island.
the conflict heralded the rise of conscription, mass propaganda, the national security state and the FBI. It accelerated income tax and urbanisation and helped make America the pre-eminent economic and military power in the world. The influence and expectations of women and their role in society increased. There was a boom in the economy and industries were enjoying an increase in profits. However inflation was high and, in an attempt to reduce operating costs, businesses laid off workers and reduced wages.
it's option 2. hope this helps, do mark as brainliest
They kidnapped his eldest son James and tortured him to death.
What history does the Shawnee and Daniel Boone share that occurred in the previous year?
They kidnapped his eldest son James and tortured him to death.