Gold rush and mining opportunities in Nevada The opportunity to work in the cattle industry; Faster travel to the West by railroad; availability of supplies due to the railroad. The opportunity to own land cheaply under the Homestead Act.
That was when the Declaration of Independence was sighned.
The Revolution's most important long-term economic consequence was the end of mercantilism. The British Empire had imposed various restrictions on the colonial economies including limiting trade, settlement, and manufacturing. The Revolution opened new markets and new trade relationships.
The war had disrupted much of the American economy. On the high seas the British navy had great superiority and destroyed most American ships, crippling the flow of trade. ... A flood of cheap British manufactured imports that sold cheaper than comparable American-made goods made the post-war economic slump worse.
up until the great depression everyone believed that the power of the goverment's power should come from the people
---the people---