Gold rush and mining opportunities (silver in Nevada) The opportunity to work in the cattle industry; to be a “cowboy” Faster travel to the West by railroad; availability of supplies due to the railroad. The opportunity to own land cheaply under the Homestead Act.
Napoleon brought the Civil Code that had been implemented in France to the territories he conquered, bringing them also under those laws. He also redivided territories he conquered according to his own administrative boundaries rather than their traditional boundaries. His conquest and administration elsewhere in Europe bred contempt for him and for France, and the nations of Europe kept working to defeat him.
There are two bases of the Indian social division into castes. The castes system has been consolidated and fed by religious practices. Ancient Hindu texts speak about four castes or profession: brahmins (priests), warriors, merchants and workers. Brahmins were at the top of society, the elite. The other source is simply social practice. There are still several groups that are seen as inferior , the "untouchables" just like the dalits; they perform the lowest and dirtiest jobs. Though castes don´t exist formally in Indian law, they exist in reality and social and racial divisions run still deep in India.
Although these are all good. You do not need first hand accounts.
The Golden Age of China is thought to have been the time of Tang dynasty, between the years 618 and 907. It was a time of reforms and development in art, literature, architecture and others areas.