dismiss: order or allow to leave; send away.
amidst: surrounded by; in the middle of.
bewitch: cast a spell over (someone).
recruit: enlist (someone) in the armed forces.
recluse: a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people.
refute: prove that (someone) is wrong.
eclipse: an obscuring of the light from one celestial body by the passage of another between it and the observer or between it and its source of illumination.
extinct: (of a species, family, or other group of animals or plants) having no living members; no longer in existence.
forgive: stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake.
inflict: cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or something.
appeal: make a serious or urgent request, typically to the public. OR apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.
appease: relieve or satisfy (a demand or a feeling).
acquire: buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself.
zealous: having great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.
demise: a person's death.