"The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. February 25, 2013 By Vocabulary.com (NY) A woman's mind begins to unravel when she is confined to a yellow bedroom after being diagnosed with "a slight hysterical tendency."
Swift uses a false premise to create humor.
Ridiculous situations abound in Gulliver's travels and this is one of them. It is quite absurd that a man born blind could be versed in the art of painting. Having blind apprentices too supports this because they can't know what they are doing let alone teach someone else.
Of course the professor must be generally mistaken and the fraternity that elevates him must be one ridiculous lot.
Right before he dies in the hospital, Johnny says “Stay gold, Ponyboy.” Ponyboy cannot figure out what Johnny means until he reads the note Johnny left. Johnny writes that “stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem Ponyboy shared when they were hiding at the church.
I can’t really see the picture