Change all words from singular to plural or from plural to singular and translate the new phrase
1. multa philosophia/many philosophy
2. Sententiīs meīs/ my sentences
3. Nauta errat./Sailor makes mistakes.
4. Patriārum antīquārum/
old country
5. Poetae laudant/
poet praise
Change one of the nominative nouns to genitive to create a meaningful phrase and
translate it.
EX: Puella fortūna > fortūna puellae (the girl’s fortune) NOT puella fortūnae (the
fortune’s girl) which makes no sense.
1. Fāma patria/rumor country/country rumor
2. Rosa fōrma/rose forma/forma rose
3. Sententia puella/felling girls/girls felling
4. Nauta pecūnia/sailor money/money sailor
5. Vīta poeta/
life of the poet/poet the of life