Both men discover they view Daisy as a symbol of status and privilege, not as a person.
Took the K12 test. Won't allow me to share the screen shot of the answer
There were 5 best friend sthat loved each other to death. They were in the in the fifth grade going on to middle School.
In writing, especially when writing prose of a fictional character, an author uses a series of techniques that seek to engage a reader and interest him/her in not only the event that is taking place, but also the characters within the event and the idea being portrayed by the author. This is a what a story is, its a telling of an event, or series of events with the use of characters, settings and ideas. All stories have a structure, that a writer uses to reach his/her main goal. A climax in a story is the main event or the epitome circumstance after which things begin to become resolved. All stories build themselves up to this climax, this one central moment, through the use of a series of events that lead to the climax, and the name of this series of events is rising action (option B).