To believe and make people know we can do this
In the decades following the Civil War, Americans underwent striking changes in their everyday life. Sports became a popular pastime for many Americans in the late nineteenth century. Baseball became one of the games that drew enormous crowds from all classes together. Many games occur in America, but baseball remained a comforting and steady sport for the people. Eventually, baseball became the national game of America.
Abraham Lincoln's plan for reconstruction included the Ten Percent Plan which specified that a southern state can be readmitted into the Union when there is an oath of allegiance from at least 10 percent of its voters. That includes all Southerners, except for high ranking Confederate army officers and government officials, be granted full pardon. This was Lincoln's way to end the war, unlike the Radical Republicans, Lincoln's Ten Percent plan didn't include punishing southerners, reorganizing society, developing industry, disbanding their planter aristocracy, redistribution of land in the South since the Radical Republicans wanted to punish the South for starting the war.
they were able to build stronger walls.
Quakers believed that slavery was wrong and many hid escaped slaves into the underground railroad