well you see, the price of a product determines how many people buy it which determines the availability of the product. also, if a bunch of people buy the product then the people are going to want better things, hence innovation.
The countries are small in terms of territory and population.
Some countries adopt a unitary system of government because of the following factors or reasons: The countries are small in terms of territory and population. They are relatively homogeneous and there is an absence of marked ethnic inequalities. They have limited skilled personnel and economic resources.
Governments provide the parameters for everyday behavior for citizens, protect them from outside interference, and often provide for their well-being and happiness. In the last few centuries, some economists and thinkers have advocated government control over some aspects of the economy.
<em>Napoleon Bonaparte</em> after obtaining power in Spain convened the Bayonne board where in the hands of influential people in Spanish civil life created the so-called Constitution of Bayonne, which was of a transitory nature to give a legal framework to the reign of his brother <em>Joseph Bonaparte.
A fundamental action that allowed this constitution was to end the old structures of power and replace the institutions called Cortes, which were responsible for imparting justice according to law, and replace them with Assemblies of Notables, also called Bayonne Courts, which would be a body legislative and judicial at the same time.
This, according to his plans, would allow Napoleon to introduce great changes for him proposed without great bureaucratic impediment. Among the proposed changes would create a Republican system with division of powers.
The Spanish people did not see this new system with pleasure and as a consequence there were few reforms that the Bonaparte could introduce next. Some of the proposals were the reform of the Civil Code, the Constitution of Cadiz, the territorial division in 83 prefectures and 15 military divisions.