Manolo made 16 handbags first day and then she made 12 handbags each day. Annalisa made 8 handbags first day and then she made 12 handbags each day. Manolo learning curve is reduced and she is making lesser handbags which she made on first day.
Annalisa have worked towards her learning curve and she has been able to make more handbags than she used to make on her first day. She has worked fast paced and learned to work quicker than her first day.
Louis Comfort Tiffany was an American artist, painter, decorator and designer. He is particularly remembered for his influence on Art Nouveau and his contributions to glassmaking. Tiffany was responsible for the development of "Favrile glass," which was inspired by the work of Émile Gallé at the Paris Exhibition of 1889. This glass displayed several innovative characteristics, such as impressionistic effects, iridiscence and free shapes. This embodied many of the artistic elements that would later become popular in Art Nouveau.