It’s either just land or a farm+ land
Paul sets a challenge to “find luck.” Jerry sets a challenges to experience a underwater tunnel. What persuaded Paul is his mom's satisfaction, and for his to house to quit whispering that it needs more cash. Jerry's inspiration is to demonstrate to himself that he can experience the passage. I don't think there are extremely any likenesses, however I think Jerry and Paul's test are generally extraordinary on an individual level. Jerry is more narrow minded than Paul, who, at last, gives his life for his objective.
For Paul the inspiration isn't self-propelled yet determined in a non-coordinate manner by his mom who wishes for more cash and extravagances she can't bear the cost of however wishes she did. For Jerry, it is all self motivational. He drives himself to experience the passage, to figure out how to control his breathing, and forces his mom to purchase goggles for him.
To incite is to to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action, so technically, the only thing that may cause that would be responsibility (option B). Although, without any proper context, I can't say it too confidently. Abandonment would make her feel helpless and confused, an interrogation seems like action has already been taken, and another protagonist would cause.....mixed feelings honestly.
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