This is actually easy, you should’ve started by doing some research. Humans have adapted to variety of climates by building things.. like houses. They even made clothing like jackets for colder climates. Just look up examples of how we’ve adapted to the climates and you’ll be good.
D) Reestablished a harsh dictatorship
After the World War II ended, the Soviet Union reestablished a harsh dictatorship. The person responsible for this was Stalin. Stalin was a leader that had no tolerance whatsoever to people that were opposing him, or he considered that they may be a problem in the future for his power. Because of this, he started to systemically send people to prisons, concentration camps, or ordering their murders. He was the figure in the country that had all the power, and no one was able to top him. The end result of this was tens of millions of people ending up dead and displaced in the Soviet Union.
Answer:requirement, precondition, prerequisite, fundamental, obligation, essential, urgency, claim, privation, essence, inexorableness, demand, want, call, imperative, compulsion, cause, exaction, duress, exigency.
Many cities were republics up to the 1300s, when there was only 3. The rest were basically ruled by a signore. Some of those would manage to receive a title of nobility, sometimes even buying them from the king. Those rulers would remain inside the cities to rule them.