It is taken from the book, "The Diary of Anne Frank".
"The Diary of a Young Girl" is a famous book written by Anne Frank. It is also known by the name "The Diary of Anne Frank". It is about Anne Frank and her life who was hiding with her family for two years during the Nazi occupation in the Netherlands. During this period, Anne Frank wrote in her diary about her life and also fairy tales and wishes to publish her dairy into a book some day.
There stages direction and the dialogues reveal about the characters :
Anne :
Anne was idolistic, hopeful and an energetic character in the story. She wants to go to Paris and learn music and art and wants to be a dancer or a singer. She is a very loud and energetic character.
Mr. Van Daan :
Mr. Van Daan describes a character who likes girls who remains quite and does not talk too much. He does not like Anne much because she is full of fun and is energetic. He is orthodox and a narrow minded person.
Mrs. Van Daan :
Mrs. Daan is a very materialistic person and she loves her fur coat very much. She also does not like Anne.
Examples of metaphors from the Polar Express:
1.The train wrapped in a apron of steam, 2.Lights appeared in the distance. They looked like the lights of an ocean liner sailing on a frozen sea.
3. crossed a barren desert of ice.
Examples of similes from the Polar Express:
1. candies with nougat centers as white as snow.
2. hot cocoa as thick and rich as melted chocolate bars.
3. rolling over peaks and through valleys like a car on a roller coaster.
the answer is a)The paragraph declares that high self-confidence is advisable and refers to the example of great men of all time periods.