well because we would have been more civilized back then therefore smarter, therefore catching up faster and we would be even more advanced in society today.
Also really sorry you had to wait so long.
The process of forming the American government was long and arduous, and in some ways is still going. The main concern was over how much power to give the federal government over the individual states.
respuesta: Con las herramientas de metal se producían más alimentos. El comercio apareció porque la gente se aburría. En la Edad de los Metales se inventó el carro y el barco de vela.
The main way in which the separation of powers guards against tyranny is by making it impossible for any single branch to become too powerful, since each branch "checks and balances" the others out when it comes to making and enforcing legislation.
The Founding Fathers placed the president in charge of the military because they knew there needed to be a single leader of the armed forces, and all the other government bodies were made up of multiple people.