You could say you could say, “as I entered the classroom, I couldn’t believe my eyes.” Everyone was bald!” Then you could go on about how everyone shaved their head because they thought it was cool. Will you do it too? That’s just an idea... I recently did a prompt similar to this. Hope it helps!
I should of known it was a bad idea, but that didn’t stop me from spying on the Germans. I thought to myself, man I wish today we could get to war. As everyone got ready for the long jog to the top of the hill I stopped and watched them. I couldn’t help but wonder how war was like, I bet all of those other soldiers have been through such depression . One of my cabin mates caught my eye. He was tall, his veins looking about to burst. Looked like he could fight one-hundred men. I slowly got undressed -knowing that I was not a muscular type of body- I was embarrassed. Thinking I could just block everything and everyone out. When I finally did get dressed everyone was out the door by the time I was done. I sprinted my way out when everyone had vanished. Looking every which way,confusion has hit my mind-set. No one was here, I was alone.. I jogged back to my cabin and snatched my gun. My head started to spin in circles, my gut felt tight. All of a sudden I hear a set of German jet’s came across the sky. Dropping bombs left snd right, I didn’t move I was frozen in time I had felt. Snapped back to humanity I realized everything happening around me. Sprinting to the nearest forest I could see German troops coming out of the stand of trees. I ran to the nearest ditch and dove into it and hid down. Hearing the nearest footsteps so close but yet to far. German language left and right I could only make out a few words, “Finde sie!” “Jawohl!”
Johnny clearly states that he thinks fighting is no good so it can't be A. Answer C is irrelevant, and Johnny never said anything about violence so its not D.