If I were to create a poster that explains positive culture group interactions, I would split it into four different sections. In the first section, I would describe what a culture group is (a group with shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices). In this section, I would include images that reflect culture groups from different countries. In the second section, I would discuss the idea of knowledge of culture. In this section, I would explain that knowledge of my culture and the other person's culture is key to having a positive culture group interaction. I would also use images of a library, which is a place where knowledge is kept. In the third section, I would discuss needs and feelings of people involved in a culture group interaction. In this section, I would explain that it is important to remember the needs and feelings of each person involved in a culture group interaction. I would also include an image of two people talking. In the fourth section, I would have no words but rather one image of two people with their arms around each other. This would reflect that positive culture group interactions create friendships.
His audience was mostly puritan as was the case in the 18th century. His audience was probably scared mindless because his sermons usually included scary and vivid description of suffering, hell, sins, the devil, which was all supposed to scare you into being a better christian.