"Vouchers in higher education do not improve our public schools and colleges, because experiments show us that education vouchers divert much-needed public funds for the few and have weakened the entire system."
migrant diffusion.
Migrant diffusion was the main mechanism by which folk customs spread to popular culture. Folk customs such as sports and music originated in small, limited regions that shared common cultural traits. Its global spread was limited by geographical and environmental barriers, as well as limited technology. Therefore, the main way in which these spread was through migrant diffusion. As people moved away from their places of origin, they took these traditions with them, spreading them to other areas of the world.
Thinking about causation involves the ability to identify, analyze, and evaluate the relationships among many historical events as both causes and effects. Historians often try to distinguish between immediate, proximate, and long term-causes and effects. Some events and conditions may have some correlation without proof of a direct causal relation while others are only coincidental or without a relationship