October 29, 1929 is the day on which the Great Depresion started
Great Britain and Japan are both island nations with limited resources. As a result, each nation developed according to its distinctive geographic location and limitations.
Both lands rose to become the two great pioneers of the modern world, but the biggest difference between them is that Great Britain had no role model to base its development on. It was the first industrial nation, it was at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution.
Both were isolated islands nearby the continent with limited raw materials to start the whole industrialization process. Britain had coal, iron and wool, but Japan had to import all these from another country.
Britain never has had a civil war nor domestic chaos, it was a stable nation and industrialization came in a more natural way. People in Great Britain started inventing steam engines, water frames and spinning jenny that helped the process to get started. They were motivated to move forward from hand production and agriculture and wanted machines and industrial companies.
On the other hand, by the mid-19th century, Japan was still a feudal nation under the authority of a warlord. The Meiji Restoration, in 1868, was named after the emperor who decided it was time to remodel Japan on a Western model and import new technologies. The goal was to make Japan a European-style empire that could compete in the increasingly global world. Japan had basically another way of thinking and the nation was pushed over the industrialization by foreign pressure.
The result was an industrial revolution that lasted from roughly 1890 to 1930. Factories were built, infrastructure was developed, and the Japanese economy quickly transitioned.
In the year of 1807, the way that Native Americans elected a president changed. through out previous elections, only the rich men were able to vote which as an outcome whoever promised more wealth was elected for president. When the common man was now able to vote in 1807, the type of candidate to win the election changed. As seen in the election of 1828 the person who was more relatable to the people, won because the common man was able to vote and so they used that opportunity and elected whoever they thought was going to help them. Overall the people preferred Jackson over Adams because Jackson was able to relate to the people better, and because he was a symbol of the American dream.
The upbringing of Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams, were very different. Andrew Jackson’s parents were immigrants form Ireland who were forced to raise him in poverty, but through this Jackson learned very important lessons in hard work. The only schooling that Jackson received, was in a local elementary school and than later reading about law to become a lawyer. On the other hand, John Quincy Adams was born into a wealthy family, and his father was John Adams, a founding father of America. John was taught in many ways from the time he was young, his mom taught his to be fluent in French, Dutch, and Germany and he was able to use those skills in government roles in the economy as a lawyer he fought for what was right
Jackson is know for as being a strong and handsome person and was respected by the role of the common man because he believed in slavery and gained his position from hard work. On the other hand, Adams grew up in a wealthy family and did to have to work as hard as Jackson to get his position. He had better morals and did not back down on his beliefs to get a better position, but the only problem was that the common person could not relate to him which caused him to lose the election because he was unreliable, and big headed due to his wealth even though he was much smarter, and could have made a much better position the Americans wanted a promising ruler.
Going back to free 300 more slaves after she made it to the northern states.
Du Bois believed that capitalism was a primary cause of racism, and he was generally sympathetic to socialist causes throughout his life. He was an ardent peace activist and advocated nuclear disarmament