In Alexander Pope's Essay on Man, the speaker talks about how God has created a world that is best for humankind. He also talks about how the universe is all-embracing and that everything is right and good. Even though a person is driven by the wrong reasons, he can learn to develop good practices out of it or eventually change to something good.
1. The teacher is not always strict.
2. He did did stay for a few weeks in Mumbai. (?)
3. No one but he could come up with such a plan.
4. You have never treated her unfairly.
5. Everyone was present who did not chair for her. (?)
6. Kabir is not stronger as Asif. (?)
Hope this helps.
B. he describes his son's rare mathematical background
She wanted to to write children’s books since she started reading them.
She wrote her first novel when she was 10, and when no one wanted to publish it, she was sad for a little while but then just became more driven. She accomplished her goal in 2009, when her first two novels for 8-12 year-old's, <em>Standing for Socks</em>, and <em>The Trouble with Mark Hopper</em>, hit shelves.