You're offended, the attacks on the church made by martin luther, john calvin, and henry viii were all negative towards the church and they pointed out the problems the church was faint at the time. You could be offended, defensive, angry, frustrated, any of these.
Tubman decided to help the Union Army because she wanted freedom for all of the people who were forced into slavery, not just the few she could help on the Underground Railroad. And she convinced many other brave African Americans to join her as spies—even at the risk of being hanged if they were caught.
Image shows black people voting, so the amendment to the US constitution that directly guarantees the right shown in that image is 15th. 15th amendment of the united states constitution granted the right for citizens to not be denied their right to vote by states or federal government based on their race or color.
They stopped farming and growing crops on one location and started growing and farming crops at another location. This enabled the soil to recuperate and gain the required minerals which makes good soil also fertile
Isolation is when a country decides to keep to itself and stay out of other country's business, like remaining neutral in wars.