C. Then he sprang out of bed, and shook himself violently! No, no nose any more! APEX Verified
Caesar says the famous line "Et tu, Brute?"
The verb is in the active form, it is known as the transitive verb. A transitive verb has always an object that receives its action. The sentence that contains a verb in the active form is: Our varsity baseball team will celebrate Babe Ruth Day. The correct answer would be option C. In this sentence, the verb "will celebrate" is directly done by the subject "baseball team".
I can't go out now because it is very hot
We will get wet because it may rain
I bought these mangoes yesterday and they are very sweet
The weather was fine so we went for a walk
They are pretty and intelligent
Farmers use modern methods of cultivation and they wish to produce more food grains
The boy complained to his teacher that his watch had been stolen
Mr. James is a doctor and so is his wife
This is the hotel and our meetings take place here
Iron is found in india and coal is also found in india